Metaphysical Art Explained
by Adam Blatner

Posted September 11, 2013

Not only is the universe complex, but each of its general elements are themselves unique, complexes of scores of variables. The mandala below is related to the one on "complexity," but it expresses itself---it is unique, and is composed of unique elements:

The four elements of fire, water, earth and air, so commonly represented in many "quadernities," symbolic representations of the four balanced elements, are okay. In some ways the cosmos does that. But there are other combinations of mud, flesh, smog, and television, or any number of combinations. In their uniqueness---themselves being a synthesis of many variables---and then bringing these together as a unity, what is produced is something greater. Indeed, just mixing two elements such as hydrogen and oxygen---both gases---to produce water, a liquid---is a clue: The qualities of the components may give no clue to what they're like in combination.

Of course, that's the point, that's the game, that's the glory of God. Not how big and powerful, but rather how very unique, and how even within the same species, the same breed, there are innumerable individual differences. Quantities of power and height impress humans but may be trivial to God. (I'm reminded of the joke about the guy who finally figured out a way to take it with him---in spite of the saying, "You can't take it with you," and showed up at the Pearly Gates (to Heaven) lugging a suitcase filled with lead. Saint Peter takes one look and calls back: "Hey, Joe" (The actual name of thr cosmic fix-it-guy is quite unpronounceable by the human mouth, so we just call him "Joe"), "Hey, Joe, there's a guy here with some more pavement!" (Ha ha. Oh, some of you don't get it. Well, there's an old saying, and noted in some gospel songs, that the streets of Heaven are paved with gold. Now do you get it?)

Anyway, the game for God, or one of the games, is to see what happens when the various qualities are combined: Let's say, okay, a human being. Born into this era, in this region, city, subculture, to these parents and other relatives, whatever the birth order, with these abilities, those weaknesses, these innate interests, those elements of temperament (and there are bunches of sub-variables here), at this intensity, and then processed so this person dies, then there's a move to another region or neighborhood, and another move, and all of the details involved.. well, the uniqueness of you and everyone else is beyond comprehension. That's what the mandala is about.

Oh, notice that one person plays many roles and each of the outer elements suggests how they work, how they change their job, redefine it, who they marry, the character of their kids, their church or synagogue or mosque or whatever, their favorite movie stars and comic book artists (who have their own individuality, much of which is unknown to this individual), their politics, their hobbies, interests, and on and on. Now this creation of uniqueness and seeing how this being, capable of consciousness and a fair degree of co-creation---I wouldn't elevate it to "free will," but neither is it "determined"--- well, how is it going to play out?

It's not as if it can be done wrong, because there's nothing much to compare it to. It's never been this combination before, so each individual is unique. The more complex, the more uniqueness. This is glory indeed.