Lesser-Known Aspects of the Renaissance:
Lecture 1: The Early History of PRINTING
AdamBlatner, M.D.

October, 2010 Given as part of Senior University Georgetown's Fall 2010 program.
   See also: 2:  Humanism, NeoPlatonism, and other Aspects of Philosophy       3. The Great Pox: Syphilis as an Acute Disease     4. Revolutions in Medicine (Paracelsus, Vesalius, Pare)
                  5. Witch-Hunts               6 Summary            

Note   of the texts that finally got deciphered around the time of many of the events given in this talk—that is, the later 19th century---was an epic story, the story of

Gilgamesh, a sort of hero who sought immortality, with many sub-plots and diversions. One of those was a guy, Utna-Pishtim, who told a story that sounds a lot like the Great Flood of Noah—only it was part of the Middle East culture for more than a millennium before the Bible was written. Another story describes a big ol’ plague that well might have been smallpox.

In Egypt, evidence of the presence of smallpox is the markings on the face of the mummy of thePharaoah, Ramses V, around 1150 BCE:.


Of course, there could be stories for each of the following breatkthroughs, but I haven’t read up enough about the details.

What may have been be one of the last cases of smallpox.
Polio immunization in India.